Ontario Bred Bees

OMAFRA registered Queen and Nuc Producer.

Queen Cells


Please contact us for availability.

Mated Queens


Please contact us for availability.

Nucleus Hives


Our standard nucleus hive includes: a queen bee (overwintered or current season), 2 frames of brood with adhering bees, one frame of feed (honey/nectar/pollen) with adhering bees, and one frame of foundation/empty comb. Our nucleus colonies come in a polypropylene corrugated plastic box because we believe these to be durable and reusable. These boxes can later be utilised for making splits or catching swarms instead of being thrown away.

Please click the link below to apply for a 2023 nucleus hive. 

We are not set up to ship live bees at this time. Our bees are available for local pickup only.