Hive Hosting

Are you interested in honey bees, but not ready to jump in completely? Hive hosting may be right for you!

Our hive hosting program caters to individuals or companies that value having honey bees for their pollination services as well as their wonderful honey. Many feel that the commitment to beekeeping (ex. time, specialized equipment, and knowledge) is a barrier at this time. Hive hosting reduces this barrier while allowing for all the benefits of beekeeping.

Cost of Hosting

Pricing is $1000/hive with a two hive minimum. Hosting includes registration, delivery, set up, treatments, maintenance, extraction and delivery of 2 cases (24) 500g jars of raw honey.

Our hive host clients are chosen through our multi-staged selection process. This ensures a good fit for both our clients and our honey bees. To begin this process please fill out our Hive Hosting Application.


Note: Living Against the Current maintains the ownership of the hosted hives and the bees therein. We reserve the right to relocate the hives from our host’s location without notice if we feel the hives are in jeopardy for any reason. If you are interested in maintaining your own hives, we can be of assistance in both the sales of hives as well as through education/private sessions